Being in good company

Process [.-ING] roots go back to Sulzer AG which was founded in 1834 by the Sulzer brothers as innovators of industrial building services. Inspired by the Course X idea (MIT Department of ChemE & MIT Sloan) [.-ING] collaborates with Hochschule Fresenius School of Chemistry, Biology & Pharmacy, founded 1848 by Carl Remigius Fresenius...


5 years M.Sc. Executive Initiative - 20 years of independent Engineering Consulting - 200 years Carl Remigius Fresenius anniversary

Interim report: Almost 40 students and graduates took part in [.-ING] programs with more than 20 final academic papers contributing to the institute's research, development, and competence clusters, supported by a 250.000 EUR fellowship program to Fresenius University. In addition [.-ING] is selected to represent the founding spirit of Carl Remigius Fresenius during the national exhibition 200 years Fresenius anniversary (Hessisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Natur).

Foundation of [.-ING] BiochemPE

as part of Process [.-ING] in cooperation with Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences - School of chemistry, biology, and pharmacy.

Transformation process Process [.-ING] GmbH

Suez GDF concentrates engineering business to energy & building services and facility management. Process engineering companies are transformed to one supplier independent business venture.

Acquisition by Suez GDF

Suez executes takeover of Sulzer Infra AG. New company brands are Axima / Cofely.

Foundation of Sulzer Pharma Engineers

Sulzer establishes five process engineering companies located in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as part of Sulzer Infra division.

Foundation of Sulzer AG

by the Sulzer brothers as innovators of industrial building services.

Picture Credit: IDT Biologika (Riems) GmbH & Co. KG