Synthetic biology meets the internet of things and services: Future chemistry is driven by biology, which becomes a more and more technology-oriented discipline. This field, resulting from a fourth industrial and a second pharmaceutical revolution, will lead to a major contribution to a “Pharmaceutical Industry 4.0”.
In the 21th century quality of life is closely connected to the challenge of moving nowadays medicine from a reactive to a proactive discipline. BiochemPE is relevant in order to combine chances of synthetic biology with the possibilities of an „internet of things and services“ to enable benefits of a „P4" medicine. This leads to a predictive, personalized, preventive and participator benefit for global society.
Biochemical Process Engineering acts as an interface between the molecular level of biological systems and economical processes. The Institute combines four research, development, and competence clusters to make a contribution to condensed time to market by using the quality-by-design approach leading to smart & high hygienic factories of the future. The Institute‘s research and development program makes a contribution to goal oriented compressed development and engineering of innovations as well as new and flexible versatile production concepts under application of the quality-by-design approach.